출연:Daniel Wilkinson Brian Raetz Lindsey Nicole Ryan Moore Celina Beach Nicole Dambro Keith Webb
감독:Glenn Douglas Packard
줄거리: A group of friends return home with Hunter Killian to support him as he shares a family secret only to learn that sometimes older secrets are more deadly. Hunter was childhood friends with Ben Holister but rumors of horrid abuse made Hunter's parents force him to stop playing with Ben. Hunter was Ben's only connection to reality and the ever-evading hope that he could one day lead a normal life. This disconnect combined with his deep isolation into the dreary world of abuse force him into creating a false view of pain, love, and the world of acceptance around him. Ben returns from this world pitted deeply with anger and terrorizes the friends with the lessons he's learned.
줄거리: When the digital native Benjamin turns 18, he inherits a box of ancient artefacts from his missing father. He gives an antique book to Slien, the girl he has his eye on, and unintentionally sets a chain reaction in motion. An old man called Zeppos is also very interested in the book which once belonged to the cartographer Mercator. Using the secret messages in Mercator's book, the trio uncovers the mystery while having to stay one step ahead of a mysterious rival.
줄거리: 接续着第一季的故事,在舞会结束后的停车场,被棒球袭击的Justin(兰迪•哈里森 Randy Harrison 饰)陷入了昏迷之中。看似正常的Brian(葛尔•哈罗德 Gale Harold 饰)却夜夜守候。最终Justin苏醒了,却不记得那晚发生的事。经过一番波折和努力,Brian让Justin克服了心理障碍,且重新拿起了画笔,自己也和Justin进入到一段全新的关系中。可对伴侣关系抱以不信任态度的Brian在不经意间让Justin伤了心。恰逢这时出现了才华横溢的小提琴家。艺术的共鸣,让Justin渐渐远离了Brian,进入到新的关系中。 这一边,告别了David的Michael(哈尔•斯帕克斯 Hal Sparks 饰)不忍受之前工作的同事奚落,开了漫画店,也因此邂逅了大学老师Ben(罗伯特•甘特 Robert Gant 饰);Ted(斯科特•洛威尔 Scott Lowell 饰)因为上班时看色情影片被逮住,经过低潮期的他因此开办了色情网站;替Ted网站做模特的Emmett(彼得•派格 Peter Paige 饰)因此在网络上爆红,有了许多的支持者,其中不乏大亨……
줄거리:梅丽尔·斯特里普、克里斯·奥多德、雅各布·特伦布莱、鲁丝·内伽将为AppleTV+独家制作的地球日动画短片[我们在这里:生活在地球上的注意事项](Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth,暂译)献声。故事讲述一个早熟的7岁男孩在地球日当天,从他的父母和一个神秘的展览上学到了地球的奇迹。斯特里普担任旁白。这部36分钟的短片根据作家奥利弗·杰弗斯2017年的畅销书改编,由导演菲利普·亨特([阿普克])和Luke Mathen撰写剧本,将于4月17日首播。
줄거리:继1995年迪士尼推出《终极傻瓜》(A Goofy Movie)电影上映受到热烈欢迎之后,于是迪士尼决定再度推出第二集。本片大部分是在迪士尼悉尼片厂所完成的,内容则是衍生在 Goofy 的儿子 Max 上大学后的故事,与电视影集与电影第一集相较,《高飞家族》电视影集 Max 年龄是设定在14岁;电影第一集《终极傻瓜》Max 则是设定为16岁;而在本片中,Max 年纪则是设定为19或20岁。本片故事焦点仍是摆在亲子间的代沟问题,当 Max 升上大学后,等待他的是无拘无束的自由又刺激的生活,而他那个老爸 Goofy ,在此时对 Max 而言,活像是个未进化的古董似的,正当 Max 庆幸从此摆脱高飞家族脱线阴影的同时,不料他老爸 Goofy 也来到他的学校上课,当他老爸居然穿着70年代的衣服出现在校园的时候,Max 觉得丢脸丟大了!然而,最后 Max 还是...
출연:比约·博格 Peter Fleming 克里希·海德 比利·简·金 菲尔·奈特 James Malhane Anna McEnroe Ava McEnroe Emily McEnroe 约翰·麦肯罗 Kenvin McEnroe Mark McEnroe Patrick McEnroe Ruby Smyth Meyers-McEnroe 凯斯·理查德兹
감독:Barney Douglas
줄거리: An intimate portrait of one of the most explosive and compelling sporting icons of all time. A supernova in the world of tennis, as awe-inspiring as he could be explosive, John McEnroe’s combined 155 championship titles still ranks as the highest achievement in the Men’s Open era. But as Barney Douglas’s film shows, this is just one facet of the sport legend’s storied life. McEnroe features previously unseen footage, both from his games and his personal archive. It explores the demons that drove him, while colleagues and friends such as Billie Jean King, Bjorn Borg and Keith Richards, along with McEnroe’s wife Patty Smyth and their children, offer an intimate portrait of a singular, incendiary individual.
출연:大卫·田纳特 凯瑟琳·塔特 比莉·派佩 莎拉·兰卡夏尔 伯纳德·克理宾斯 Jacqueline King Verona Joseph 杰西卡·古宁 Martin Ball Rachid Sabitri Chandra Ruegg Sue Kelvin Jonathan Stratt Ruari Mears Richard Price
감독:James Strong Colin Teague Graeme Harper Douglas Mackinnon Alice Troughton Graeme Harper Euros Lyn
줄거리: 和Ethan在一起的Justin(兰迪•哈里森 Randy Harrison 饰)去Brian(葛尔•哈罗德 Gale Harold 饰)家收拾自己的东西,一切都那么熟悉,可是现状却已变化万千。面对Justin的离去,Brian看似没事,可还是掩饰不掉他的落寞;Ted(斯科特•洛威尔 Scott Lowell 饰)和Emmett(彼得•派格 Peter Paige 饰)开始建立起关系,这让一直没什么自信的Ted心情好了许多;Michael(哈尔•斯帕克斯 Hal Sparks 饰)和Ben(罗伯特•甘特 Robert Gant 饰)维持着良好的关系;Lindsay和Melanie开始了她们新的造人计划。 看似稳定的状况却时刻在改变。Justin和Brian依然维持着工作上的关系,因为Ethan的出轨,让Justin又重新回到了Brian身边;Ted的色情网站被举报,这让他抑郁不止,进而向毒品靠拢;协助Stockwell市长竞选的Brian被对方发现自己的同志身份,进而被炒鱿鱼。匹兹堡的这群男男女女开始了反抗Stockwell的战争……
줄거리: Henry and the court go to the summit to sign the treaty with France. Tensions are understandably high, and tempers of both kings flare up more than once. Meanwhile, Henry takes on a new mistress named Mary Boleyn. He soon tires of her and her father summons her sister Anne to court and tells her to find a way to keep the king's interest.
감독:Christopher Ray (as Christopher Douglas Olen Ray)
줄거리:When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level event on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.
줄거리:Henry and the court go to the summit to sign the treaty with France. Tensions are understandably high, and tempers of both kings flare up more than once. Meanwhile, Henry takes on a new mistress named Mary Boleyn. He soon tires of her and her father summons her sister Anne to court and tells her to find a way to keep the king's interest.
감독:Blake Douglas Ethan Gomez Zahnley Lenny Ibarra Gory Cory McCullough Jack McDermott Ryan Ranc
줄거리:After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him as her next victim.