줄거리: 电视剧《Medical Top Team》(《医学团队》)是一部医疗剧,讲述了各个领域最顶尖的医生们创建梦幻医疗队伍的过程。通过医界的现实、医院里意想不到的权力斗争,为观众呈献紧张而刺激的故事。 外科医生朴泰信(权相佑饰),英俊帅气、思维敏捷、聪颖过人,自信十足、为人直率,常被其他人误认为“坏男人”。其实他擅长照顾弱者,拥有温暖性格,主张医疗平等,是梦幻医疗团队的中心人物。朴医生儿时经历了领养和罢养,备受打击,落下了心理障碍,所以长大后性格叛逆、傲慢、狂放不羁……
줄거리: Kang Yu-jin is a leading specialist in the biological field. While collecting butterflies, he finds a rare breed and brings it home. His wife Sun-hi is glad to have her husband for the night and the next day sees a strange wooden doll amongst her husband's films and begins to feel strange. Returning from a trip to the country side, he brings home Mi-ok, the daughter of a shaman priestess. Sun-hi finds the same doll in Mi-ok's clothes and begins to get suspicious and finally deranged. She goes mad one day and tries to get rid of Mi-ok and accidentally causes Mi-ok to fall to her death. But from then on, Sun-hi is tormented by visions of the wooden doll attacking her.