줄거리: 故事发生在十九世纪的俄罗斯,身为高官卡列宁(拉尔夫·理查德森 Ralph Richardson 饰)的妻子,安娜(费雯·丽 Vivien Leigh 饰)却在一次偶然中和伯爵沃伦斯基(基隆·摩尔 Kieron Moore 饰)坠入了情网,一心追逐内心感情的安娜不顾伦理道德的约束,开始了与沃伦斯基的同居生活。尽管安娜百般要求,但卡列宁依然拒绝了她的离婚请求,不仅如此,卡列宁还从安娜身边夺走了她心爱的儿子,禁止她们见面。 不久之后,安娜怀孕了,而噩梦也就此开始,流产、酗酒、药物依赖,接连而来的打击让安娜坠入了人生的谷底,但真正令安娜崩溃的,却是沃伦斯基对她日益冷淡的态度。最终,在沃伦斯基的背叛和社会舆论的压力之下,走投无路的安娜在铁轨下结束了她年轻的生命。
줄거리: Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. Despite dire warnings by fellow scientist Ted Rampian, Dr Sorenson proceeds with the experiment after secretly learning that he is terminally ill. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the earth's crust, which threatens to split the earth in two if it is not stopped in time.